Course Curriculum

Be sure to watch The Science of Reading and Scaffolding for Differentiation for FREE on our website.

    1. Welcome!

    2. Meet Your Other Session Presenters

    1. The Reading Brain

    2. Dyslexia Basics: What Every Educator Needs to Know

    3. Meeting the Needs of Our ELL Students

    4. BEST ELA Standards Overview K-5

    5. Meaningful Monitoring: Of Learning, For Learning, & As Learning

    6. Stacking BEST Standards for Integrated Instruction

    7. Effective Writing Instruction

    1. Session Resources

    1. Summer Symposium Content Survey

About this course

  • $89.00
  • Includes Session Resources
  • 15 Hour Completion Certificate
  • ***The Science of Reading and Scaffolding for Differentiation can be seen for FREE on our website

Let's Begin!